
Comprehensive Educational Assessment: This evaluation allows the examiner to measure and evaluate a student’s varying cognitive abilities and academic achievement levels. Including an extensive background interview, the examiner can determine a student’s strengths and weaknesses and present ideas as to why a student may be struggling in school and how the student can work in a more productive and efficient manner.

The examiner can determine if a student exhibits characteristics of a learning disability and make recommendations for specific accommodations in school and on standardized tests. A comprehensive assessment is appropriate for students who appear to be struggling in school and whose teachers recommend further information about learning abilities. A comprehensive educational assessment is also appropriate for students already identified as Learning Disabled who need to update their records to request accommodations at school or for standardized examinations such as the SSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE or GMAT.

Academic Screening: This subject-specific screening allows the examiner to measure a student’s current level of functioning. Through score and error analysis, recommendations can be made for specific instruction, identifying goals or requesting accommodations. Screenings are appropriate for individuals currently working with a learning specialist or tutor who want to clarify mastery of specific skill sets or for individuals who require updated scores in a single area (such as reading or writing) to see whether or not they have met their IEP or Student Study Plan goals.